Reading Resources


Reading Resources

The Virtual Library

Access to over 30 high quality databases, including TumbleBooks, The World Book and Gale.

Remote login for all databases: UN: miamidade PW: miamidade



The TumbleBook Library

There are over 1,000 animated, talking picture books in the TumbleBook Library! The site also features Spanish and French books, read-along chapter books, non-fiction books, quizzes, and exciting games and puzzles!

TumbleBook library 

Remote login for all databases: UN: miamidade PW: miamidade



Axis 360

Access to approximately 13,000 current, high-interest, and age appropriate  eBooks and Audiobook for all students: 

Students and staff should log in using their student ID and password provides a wide variety of supplemental materials for 70,000 titles, including book talks for many. You can access these collections below:

 Remote login: UN: miamidade PW: miamidade